
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

just a simple secret

God, I know You 've decided my destiny, written on Your "book". A book which tells bout my life story...
I really dont know what ll happen to me next days even next minutes...
All I can do is just beg to you to guide me in everything I do and ask for the best thing in my life...
even You gimme problems to face, I do really know You want me to be better...
for that reason I ll be stronger to defeat my problems..
sometimes I just can smile when some of my friends said " How can you look so carefree, like having no problems?" and I replied " really, do you think so? :). no, everyone has his/her own either. just face it wisely and You will find the way :)" .
I said to my friend is just to calm myself down...though they dont know that Im struggeling to face my own problems...yap, Allah is always be myside..for this problem..hmm no I think it's just a simple secret that  I have now...just my dearest God who absolutely knows...hope I can keep it till the end of my life :)

written wholehaertedly...

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